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GrindEQ Word To LaTeX 13

If you use PDF for LaTeX output ('pdflatex' program), you should select the PDF mode (Word-to-LaTeX Options, General page) and check PDF copy option (Word-to-LaTeX Options, Images page). Please note, if you use EPS format for images, you have to check Hide file extension option.

GrindEQ Word to LaTeX 13


If you cannot find a solution for your problem, send an email to our technical support department at Please describe the issue and include the version number or screenshot. To see the version number, click the Info button accessed via Math Options from Microsoft Word menu or GrindEQ Options from Windows Start menu.

Here's one trick that may or may not be suitable for your purposes: if latex2rtf does a good enough conversion (I have no idea how it compares to the converter you are using), just rename its output from whatever.rtf to whatever.doc, and Word will open it just fine. Now if the recipient of the document wants to edit it, she may notice that it is actually not in the usual Word format, but, hey, Word behaves strangely all the time anyway.

I work with a lot of word documents. I want to make some of these look better with LaTex, but it's almost impossible to manually extract images/equations and put them into a .tex file and then convert them to LaTex.

I know I might be asking for too much, but is there a nice, free way to do convert Word documents to .tex? I've tried Abiword and rtf2latex2e but neither worked too well. Word2TeX is the BEST option out there (gives extremely clean, almost-perfect .tex code), but sadly it is not free and it goes pretty deep in the pocket.

Just to clarify, I'm not looking for a way to store word documents in LaTex format just to make them look pretty. I genuinely want to convert a bunch of existing .docx files into LaTex so that my colleagues and I can maintain them in .tex format for future edits. Any advice would be appreciated.

Word2TeX is a Word to LaTeX converter designed in order to use with Microsoft Word and enables Microsoft Word to save documents in LaTeX format. This gives the opportunity to convert existing Microsoft Word documents to LaTeX and to create new LaTeX documents right in your mainstream word processor rather than requiring a completely separate editing environment. Using Word2TeX in conjunction with Microsoft Word, you can easily create articles, technical reports, research papers, dissertations and even entire books for such hard and not always comfortable markup-based system as LaTeX. It doesn't, in fact, require that one even learn LaTeX in order to publish LaTeX papers, and so can save students and other newcomers to scientific publishing the long climb up theLaTeX learning curve and also can help LaTeX experts to save their time. Instead of inputting LaTeX commands, you can simply use Equation Editor (or MathType) in Microsoft Wordto create equations and you easily click and point to insert a picture or tomake a table. Then you can convert your document into LaTeX format with the helpof Word2TeX. Thus, Word2TeX leverages your investment in Microsoft Word.

Ssdkeeper free download most recent rendition for windows. After you click on grinder mathematics utilities in the list, the following information about the application will be available: This will increase the quality of both your word document and the converted latex file. Grinder mathematics utilities 2015 is a professional program that converts Microsoft Word documents to latex or amslatex tote formats.

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