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President Discusses the Economy in Richland Center, WisconsinRichland Center High SchoolRichland Center, Wisconsin 11:43 A.M. CDT THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all for being here. Laura and I are --we're glad you came, and we are glad we came. (Applause.) I'm here togive you some reasons why I think you ought to put me back intooffice. (Applause.) I'm here to talk about issues that matter to ourfuture. We're going to do it a little interesting way today. I'veasked some of your fellow citizens to come up and talk about how ourpolicies have affected their lives. And this will perhaps give peoplea clear view of why I have made some of the decisions I have made. Perhaps the most important reason why people ought to put me backinto office is so that Laura will be the First Lady for four moreyears. (Applause.) I'm going to take my jacket off. (Applause.) Okay. Some of you all may relate to this. When I asked her tomarry me -- actually, we had gone -- I don't know if you know this ornot, we were in 7th grade together in San Jacinto Junior High, inMidland, Texas. We became reacquainted -- are you from Midland? AUDIENCE MEMBER: Lubbock. THE PRESIDENT: Lubbock, Texas, 150 miles south of Midland.Anyway, thank you, welcome. When we became reacquainted she was a public school librarian.It's fitting we're in a school here, by the way; we want to thank theteachers who work in this school to make a -- help every child realizetheir dreams. Thank you. (Applause.) She said, fine, I will marry you -- this is after I asked her, ofcourse -- only if you make me one promise. I said, what is thepromise? Promise me I'll never have to give a political speech.(Laughter.) I, of course, said, okay, you've got a deal. She didn'thold me to the promise, thankfully. She's giving a lot of speeches andwhen she does, the American people see a warm and compassionate andgreat First Lady. (Applause.) I want to thank -- I want to thank our friend, Tommy Thompson. Iwant to thank him for his service to our country. (Applause.) And Iwant to thank him for his friendship. Tommy has done a great job inWashington. You trained him well. (Laughter.) He was a wonderfulgovernor of Wisconsin -- I knew that when I was looking for a CabinetSecretary. I gave him a tough assignment and he's handled itbrilliantly, and I want to thank you, Tommy, for your service.Appreciate you. (Applause.) You know, Tommy and I went to Washington to get some things done,and one of the things we had to do was to make sure our seniors hadquality health care. Medicine was changing, Medicare was not. Forexample, the government would pay thousands of dollars for a heartsurgery under Medicare, but not one dime for the prescription drug thatcould prevent the heart surgery from being needed in the first place.And Tommy and I understood that didn't make any sense for our seniors,and it didn't make any sense for the taxpayers, so we worked togetherwith both Republicans and Democrats to strengthen Medicare, to keep thepromise to our seniors. And beginning in the year 2006, all seniorswill be able to get prescription drug coverage under Medicare.(Applause.) I think it's important -- I think it's important for you to knowthat when I say something, I mean it, and I'm going to get the jobdone. (Applause.) I want to thank -- I want to thank Congressman Mark Greene. Iappreciate you coming, Congressman -- a fine, young Congressman fromWisconsin. (Applause.) He's not from this part of the world, butyou'll get to know him, and when you do, you'll like him. He's a good,honest man. I want to thank Jack Voight for being here, the StateTreasurer of the great state of Wisconsin. Jack, thank you, sir. Goodto see you again. (Applause.) And I want to thank the mayor. Madame Mayor, thanks for coming.I'm proud you're here. I appreciate you being here. It means a lot.I want to thank U.S. Senate candidate, Tim Michels, and his wife,Barbara. (Applause.) You need to put him in the Senate. He's a goodman. (Applause.) He's got good values. He'll make a fine UnitedStates Senator. And I'm going to tell you who's going to make a fine United StatesCongressman, and that would be Dale Schultz. Appreciate you.(Applause.) He's working. He's shaking a lot of hands. He's puttingup a lot of signs. I know firsthand. See, I've taken the busthroughout this part of the world. (Laughter.) And I see a lot ofsigns, and that's a good sign. And I also want to thank Rachel --Rachel Schultz, who happens to be the District Superintendent of theschools. And I want to thank you for your -- being in education.(Applause.) I want to thank John Cler and all the folks associated with thehigh school for letting us come here today. I appreciate you coming.(Applause.) I want to thank the students. Thanks for coming --letting me come. (Applause.) All right. Study more, and you watchTV. (Laughter.) And if you're 18, make sure you vote. See, that'swhat I'm here to do. I'm here to ask people for the vote and for theirhelp. We have a duty in this country to vote. We have a duty indemocracy to go to the polls. (Applause.) People need to exercise their right in a free society. And I'masking you for your help to get people to go to the polls. I knowyou've done a lot of work in this part of the world. I've seen a lotof signs for me, too, and I appreciate it. The signs are important,but they don't pull the lever. And so coming down the stretch, I'mhere to ask for your help in turning out the vote. And there's nodoubt in my mind, with your help, we're going to carry the state ofWisconsin. (Applause.) We really enjoyed our bus trips through Wisconsin. Today westopped off and saw John and Connie Turgasen. Evidently, you've heardof them. That's good. (Laughter.) Well, I wonder if they'dreconsider when they saw four buses pull up in their front yard.(Laughter.) But they're dairy farmers. There were four generations ofTurgasens right there, making a living off that one farm. It remindsme about how important it is to support our small businesses, ourfarmers, our ranchers. When you're getting people to go to the polls,remind them of this, that under the Bush administration, the farmersare doing just fine. The income is up and people are making a living.And that's good for people all across this part of the world.(Applause.) We enjoyed going to that farm. And we enjoyed meetingthat great Wisconsin family. You know, we've overcome a lot in this country. I pledged to makethis country a more hopeful place, and that means hopeful foreverybody. We've had to overcome a lot in order to make it morehopeful. When you're out rounding up the vote, remind people aboutwhat this economy has been through. You know, a hopeful country is onein which people can make a living, people can stay on the farm. Peoplesay to me, Mr. President, we've been able to support four generationsof Turgasens on this farm. But we've been through a lot in this economy. You know, the stockmarket was in serious decline six months prior to my arrival inWashington, D.C. And then we had a recession. And then we had somecorporate scandals, and that affected our economy. It's now abundantlyclear that we're not going to tolerate dishonesty in the boardrooms ofAmerica. We expect people to be responsible citizens in this country.(Applause.) And we got attacked. And that attack of September the 11th cost usnearly a million jobs in the three months after the attack. We've hadsome obstacles put in our path. But we acted. I understand that whensomebody's got more money in their pocket, they're likely to demand anadditional good or a service. And when you demand additional good or aservice in our marketplace, somebody is going to produce it. Whensomebody produces it, somebody is likely to find a job. The tax reliefwe passed is working. The tax relief we passed has got this economygrowing again. (Applause.) And the facts are clear. We've added 1.9 million jobs in the last13 months. We're growing at rates as fast as any in nearly 20 years.Our farmers are doing well. Home ownership rate is at an all-timehigh. The unemployment rate nationally is 5.4 percent. Let me putthat in perspective for you: 5.4 percent is lower than the average ofthe 1970s, the 1980s, and the 1990s. (Applause.) The unemploymentrate in the state of Wisconsin is 5 percent. We're moving forward, andwe're not going to go back to the days of tax and spend -- that's notan economic policy, that's a way to get in your wallet and grow thesize of the federal government. (Applause.) So there's more to do. It's one thing to talk about a record, butthe only reason to look back is to be able to say to people, here'swhat we're going to do as we move forward. The job of the President isto make sure the entrepreneurial spirit is strong, the environment forsmall business creation is good, that people have a chance to make aliving. So what does it take? One, it means we've got to keep your taxeslow. I'm about to talk to some small business owners here who knowwhat it means to pay high taxes and what it means to have their taxeslowered. But taxes are an issue in this campaign. As you travel inyour district and travel talking to people, remind people that taxesare an issue. The fellow I'm running against has proposed $2.2trillion of new federal spending. That's trillion with a "T." That'sa lot -- even for a Senator from Massachusetts, that's a lot.(Applause.) And so they said -- and you know the legitimate question is: Fine,you made all these promises, how are you going to pay for them? And hethrew out that same old line we've heard almost every campaign: Oh,we're just going to tax the rich. Now, we've heard that before. Letme tell you the two things wrong with that. One is that when you taxthe rich -- in other words, when you're running up the top two incomebrackets you're going to tax small business owners. Many smallbusinesses pay tax at the individual income tax rate because they'recalled sub-chapter S corporations, or sole proprietorships. Those arefancy legal and accounting words which mean they pay income tax at theindividual rate. That's just the truth. About 90 percent of all smallbusiness pay individual income taxes. So when you hear somebody say, oh, we're just going to tax therich, I want you thinking about the truth. And the truth is they'retalking about taxing about 900,000 to a small -- a million smallbusinesses. You know what the problem with that is? Seventy percentof new jobs are created by small businesses in America. It makes nosense to be taxing the job creators. (Applause.) And here is the other thing wrong with it. If you promise $2.2trillion, but your tax plan only raises between $600 billion and $800billion, there is a gap between what is promised and what can bedelivered. Now, there is a -- my opponent has a history, it's arecord. I like to tell people I'm running on my record. He's notrunning on his, he's running from his record. (Applause.) And part ofhis record -- part of his record -- in his 20 years as Senator, part ofhis record is he's voted to raise taxes 98 times. That's a record,that's what he's done. I'm not making it up. That's five times everyyear he's been in the Senate. That's a predictable pattern. And sowhen you're trying to find out who's going to fill the tax gap, thinkabout predictable patterns. In order to fill that gap, in order tomake the difference between what he's promised and what he can deliver,guess who's going to get stuck with the bill. Yes, that's always whathappens. We're not going to let him tax you, we're not going to let him taxthe small businesses, because we're going to carry Wisconsin and win onNovember the 2nd. (Applause.) A couple of other things. A couple of other things that I want totalk to you right quick about, to make sure this economy continues togrow. First, we will continue with good farm policy. I'm for the MILCprogram -- MILC, which is helping our dairy farmers. I'm for thereauthorization of that. Ask your dairy farmers whether that meanssomething to them, and you're going to find out it does. (Applause.)We'll continue to open up markets, opening up markets for agricultureproducts and manufacturing products and high-tech products. They'regood for the job creation and the job creators. Listen, we've opened up our market for goods from overseas, andthat's good for you as a consumer. Think about how the market works.If you have more products to choose from, you're likely to get thatwhich you want at a better price and higher quality. That's how themarket works. So instead of shutting down our market when it comes totrade and hurting our consumers, our strategy is to say to places likeChina, you treat us the way we treat you -- is to open up markets, isto demand that others are fair to us. And the reason why I do that isbecause I know we can compete with anybody, any time, anywhere, so longas the rules are fair. (Applause.) If you want jobs to stay here, we've got to do something about theenergy situation. I submitted a plan to the United States Congress twoyears ago that encourages conservation, that encourages the use ofethanol and biodiesel. Think about the idea of being able to say asthe President, the corn crop is up and we're less dependent. Thinkabout that, that someday it's going to happen. We're going to continueto spend research and development dollars so we can grow our way towardless reliance. (Applause.) We're promoting clean coal technology so that your power plants canhave power. We're going to modernize the electricity grid. We'regoing to explore for natural gas in environmentally friendly ways.What I'm telling you is this: In order to make sure that jobs continueto grow, that people can make a living, this country must become lessdependent on foreign sources of energy. (Applause.) We're going to talk to a small business manufacturer here. He toldme he's had a problem with health care. Small businesses are havingtrouble affording health care. Most of the uninsured in America workfor small businesses. So here's some commonsense ways to help you onhealth care. Small businesses ought to be able to pool together, poolrisk so they can buy insurance at the same discounts that big companiesget to do. You know, there needs to be economies of purchase in themarketplace. If you're a standalone small business, it costs you a lotof money to afford health care. If you're able to pool acrossjurisdictional boundaries, if you get more people to spread the risk,you're able to get insurance at better prices for your workers. That'sa commonsense way of helping small businesses. (Applause.) We'll expand health savings accounts, which are commonsense ways ofenabling people to be able to manage their own health care account,low-premium, high-deductible accounts where you can save tax-free. Itwill help your families. If you change jobs, you can take your healthaccount with you from year to year. If you save money, you can rollover your savings in your health account tax-free. It's a way to makesure the decision-making is between you and your doctor, not betweensome insurance person and your doctor. The more you're able to have --the more you're involved with your health care decisions, the morelikely it is there's a cost discipline in the marketplace. Listen, we'll take care of the needy. We have an obligation in oursociety to do so. I'm a big believer in community health centers,places where the poor and the indigent can get good primary andpreventative care. My pledge, I said in the Convention speech and I'msaying all over the country, is that in a new term, we'll make sureevery poor county in America has got a community health center to takethe pressure off our emergency rooms and our hospitals. (Applause.) But let me tell you another practical way to make sure health careis available and affordable. We must do something about the litigiousnature of our society. There's too many lawsuits. Lawsuits arerunning up the cost of doing business. (Applause.) Lawsuits arerunning good doctors out of practice. Lawsuits are hurting people whoneed health care. I have met too many OB/GYNs around this country thatare having to leave their practice because these lawsuits are runningup their premiums. They cannot afford to practice medicine. I've mettoo many women who are deeply concerned about their health care and thehealth of their child because their local doctor no longer practices.And that's not right for America. If we're interested in our quality of life, we'd better dosomething about all these lawsuits. You cannot be pro-doctor,pro-patient, and pro-personal injury trial lawyer at the same time.(Applause.) You have to choose in life. My opponent made his choice,and he put a personal injury trial lawyer on the ticket. I have mademy choice: I am standing with the Wisconsin docs and patients andsmall business owners; I am for medical liability reform now.(Applause.) We have a difference of opinion when it comes to health care. Iremember the debate when my opponent, they asked him about his healthcare plan, and he actually looked in the camera and said, "Thegovernment h


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